
The New CAP 2023-27 sets nine key objectives, including activities to mitigate climate change, care for the environment, preserve the landscape and biodiversity, revitalize rural areas, and protect food and health quality. Agroforestry systems as good practice in land management can contribute to achieving all these goals.

The pre-analysis of existing curricula of subjects in the field of agroforestry at University of Belgrade (UB), University of Montenegro (UOM), University of Forestry, Sofia (UFS) and University of Osijek (UNIOS) recognized that current curricula do not sufficiently emphasize the role of agroforestry systems as adaptive measures in the fight against climate change as well as their potential to provide benefits to society through product diversification and employment potential.

Connecting among EU countries and EU candidates in this consortium would open up space for the exchange of knowledge in this area. Networking among countries of this consortium would enable the actuality issues in agroforestry practice to be viewed from several standpoints in order to improve the existing curricula for acquiring skills that meet the requirements of the fight against climate change in terms of environmental protection and social wellbeing.

Joint teaching materials that bound the knowledge from countries of this consortium, guest lecturers, as well as the opportunity for master students to visit some of the countries of consortium and collect the knowledge during the preparation of the master thesis, will increase the possibility of acquiring more competencies to effectively implement proper adaptive measures.