Third AGFORWEB study visit held in Pazin, Istria, Croatia

Third AGFORWEB study visit was held in Pazin, Istria, Croatia, 24-26th April 2024. The host was Croatian Forest Research Institute from Jastrebarsko.
The study was attended by the fellow participants – partners from Croatia, Bulgaria, Montenegro and Serbia.
During this period, PMU and QAC meeteing were realized, with the information on previous activities, as well as what activities and plans are to be done.

Two lectures were held. Dr Milić Čurović held a lecture to the students on the topic of Forest ecosystems and agroforestry practices in Montenegro. Second lecture was held by Dr Predrag Miljković, presenting how QField mobile application can be used as a tool for collecting data on agroforestry systems and creating
database in the field.

The hosts took the guests to the field, visiting different agroforestry practices, such as shelterbelts in Čepić polje, then Karlić tartufi – truffle plantation in Istria, and Kumparička organic goat farm.

During the stay in Istria, the plans for fourth study visit in Bulgaria were also presented.