Fourth AGFORWEB study visit held in Kavarna, Bulgaria

Fourth AGFORWEB study visit was held in Kavarna, Bulgaria, 24-26th June 2024. The host was University of Forestry, Kavarna, Bulgaria.

The study was attended by the fellow participants – partners from Croatia, Bulgaria, Montenegro and Serbia.
The PMU meeteing was realized during stay, with the review of previous activities. Also, the participants discussed about the activities and plans that are ahead.

This study visit was very interesting because the lectures were held on completely different topics, but at the same time, professionally, very closely related.

The lectures were:

  • Jelena Beloica (UB) “Supporting biodiversity outside protected areas – the role of traditional agro-ecosystems”
  • Aleksandar Baumgertel (UB) “GIS + Agroforestry + Remote Sensing + Google Earth Engine”
  • Anton Brenko (CFRI) “Truffles – from seedlings to orchard”
  • Ivana Zegnal (CFRI) “Mycorrhizal colonization”
  • Anton Brenko (CFRI) “Truffle sector in Croatia – a case study”
  • Monika Tkalec Kojić (UNIOS) “Medicinal plants under forest canopy in Croatia”

The hosts took the guests to the fieldtrip, on which they could see the richness in protective forest belts, their characteristics and experimental plots, but also they visited the Botanic garden in Balchik.